
VA 風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列 (1992-2003) MP3檔 合輯DVD版

軟體名稱: VA 風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列
語文版本: 合輯DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 請用千千靜聽撥放
系統支援: 以官方網站為準
軟體類型: MP3音樂DVD-MP3
更新日期: 2012.12.12
中文網站: http://twcd08.com
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(01)五會念佛 【106.26MB】
  01.MP3 320K 23:33  (53.89MB)
  02.MP3 320K 22:51  (52.29MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(02)念佛心曲 【95.34MB】
  01.Demons.MP3 320K 20:26  (46.75MB)
  02.Horses.MP3 320K 21:08  (48.36MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(03)弘一大師篇 【120.48MB】
  01.The Song Of Holy Triratna.MP3 320K 6:48  (15.57MB)
  02.Farewell.MP3 320K 5:14  (11.99MB)
  03.Recalling The Childhood.MP3 320K 4:40  (10.67MB)
  04.Dream.MP3 320K 4:31  (10.32MB)
  05.Willows In Autumn.MP3 320K 4:46  (10.89MB)
  06.West Lake (Xihu).MP3 320K 7:05  (16.21MB)
  07.The Fragrance Of The Flowers.MP3 320K 4:06  (9.39MB)
  08.Early Autumn.MP3 320K 3:54  (8.94MB)
  09.Live In Solitude.MP3 320K 4:23  (10.02MB)
  10.The Returning Swallow.MP3 320K 3:23  (7.74MB)
  11.Autumn Night.MP3 320K 3:47  (8.65MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(04)寶島梵音 【119.95MB】
  01.南無阿彌陀佛.MP3 320K 29:37  (67.77MB)
  02.南無觀世音菩薩.MP3 320K 22:46  (52.10MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(05)寒山僧蹤 【101.17MB】
  01.Hanshan Temple寒山僧蹤.MP3 320K 8:25  (19.26MB)
  02.Spiritual Buddha清淨法身佛.MP3 320K 7:15  (16.58MB)
  03.The snd of bell emitted in the evening from an ancient temple古剎晚鐘.MP3 320K 7:12  (16.50MB)
  04.Inspiration of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattra觀音靈感歌.MP3 320K 7:19  (16.75MB)
  05.The yellowed hall of great hero大雄寶殿.MP3 320K 6:32  (14.94MB)
  06.Pai Sing Buddha's name by Thousand belivers千聲.MP3 320K 7:27  (17.06MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(06)心經 【98.92MB】
  01.Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra般若波羅蜜多心經.MP3 320K 21:11  (48.49MB)
  02.Namo Sakyamuni Buddha南無本師釋迦牟尼佛.MP3 320K 21:59  (50.33MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(07)雲水禪心 【99.20MB】
  01.The Free Flowing Meditation Spirit雲水禪心.MP3 320K 7:41  (17.59MB)
  02.An Ancient Temple in Sunset古剎夕照.MP3 320K 8:04  (18.46MB)
  03.Buddhist Music in the Spiritual Mountain靈山梵音.MP3 320K 5:56  (13.59MB)
  04.Monastery in the Mountain深山禪林.MP3 320K 8:38  (19.76MB)
  05.The Sound of the Bell from the Monastery禪院鐘聲.MP3 320K 6:32  (14.97MB)
  06.The Sound of Bell from the Temple佛門鐘聲.MP3 320K 6:26  (14.73MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(08)水清月現 【102.34MB】
  01.Purity水清月現(觀音贊).MP3 320K 14:15  (32.63MB)
  02.Buddha Realm十方一切剎.MP3 320K 7:55  (18.12MB)
  03.Chi-Sha Moutain in Autumn棲霞秋韻.MP3 320K 6:30  (14.89MB)
  04.The Lotus Emerging from Water出水清蓮.MP3 320K 7:57  (18.20MB)
  05.Reciting the Coming of Spring且吟春蹤.MP3 320K 8:03  (18.42MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(09)步步清風 【100.69MB】
  01.Breeze With Joyous Whispers步步清風.MP3 320K 6:52  (15.70MB)
  02.Homage To The Five Directions禮五方.MP3 320K 8:38  (19.76MB)
  03.The Moon-Like Face Of The Buddha佛面猶如淨盈月.MP3 320K 6:46  (15.48MB)
  04.Serenity (Bodhisattva Gatha)水在瓶(菩薩偈).MP3 320K 8:12  (18.76MB)
  05.Pure Luminosity (Homage To The Medicine Buddha)淨琉璃(藥師佛).MP3 320K 8:11  (18.73MB)
  06.Ten Thousand Years Joy萬年歌.MP3 320K 5:19  (12.17MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(10)如來一葉 【122.35MB】
  01.Return to Originality如來一葉.MP3 320K 6:42  (15.35MB)
  02.Evening Song from the Fishing Boat漁舟唱晚.MP3 320K 7:34  (17.32MB)
  03.The Diamond Staff金鋼一杵.MP3 320K 5:58  (13.67MB)
  04.A Thousand-petaled Lotus千瓣蓮華.MP3 320K 6:12  (14.17MB)
  05.Auspicious Wafts of Incense隨處祥雲.MP3 320K 6:49  (15.62MB)
  06.Cool Breeze in Summer夏有涼風.MP3 320K 7:27  (17.05MB)
  07.Incense Offering to the King of Eastern Sea (rain prayer)香焚 海.MP3 320K 6:48  (15.58MB)
  08.Great love and Great Compassion in all the Ten Directions十方慈悲.MP3 320K 5:54  (13.50MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(11)畫水蓮華 【106.71MB】
  01.畫水蓮華.MP3 320K 22:24  (51.25MB)
  02.江山迎佛.MP3 320K 11:41  (26.76MB)
  03.雪山寺景 .MP3 320K 12:30  (28.61MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(12)照人清涼 【101.10MB】
  01.Enlightenment照人清涼.MP3 320K 22:26  (51.35MB)
  02.Respondance片雲無心.MP3 320K 6:22  (14.59MB)
  03.Compassion音樂咒.MP3 320K 8:23  (19.20MB)
  04.Freshness柳色新.MP3 320K 6:56  (15.87MB)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列古箏佛贊(13)掬水 【150.36MB】
  01.雲水禪心.mp3 320K 7:41  (17.59MB)
  02.步步清風.mp3 320K 6:51  (15.67MB)
  03.柳色新.mp3 320K 6:58  (15.94MB)
  04.雪山寺景.mp3 320K 12:32  (28.69MB)
  05.夏有涼風.mp3 320K 7:26  (17.01MB)
  06.漁舟唱晚.mp3 320K 7:33  (17.28MB)
  07.深山禪林.mp3 320K 8:37  (19.73MB)
  08.且吟春蹤.mp3 320K 8:03  (18.41MB)
